The company data schema below lists all available fields in a company record. Note that actual company records may not have every field present in which case a null will be returned.

The dot notation indicates that the property is nested.

idThe company's unique idIBM
websiteThe company's website
industryThe company's industryinformation technology and services
phoneThe company's phone(800) 426-4968
estimated_employeesThe company's estimated employees510000
descriptionThe company's description(Available in API)
addressThe company's raw addressInternational Business Machines Corp., New Orchard Road, Armonk, New York, NY 10504, US
cityThe company's cityArmonk
stateThe company's stateNew York
countryThe company's countryUnited States
socials.linkedinThe company's Linkedin profile
socials.twitterThe company's Twitter profile
socials.angellistThe company's AngelList profile
socials.facebookThe company's Facebook profile
socials.crunchbaseThe company's Crunchbase profile